Short circuits occur in power system due to various reasons like, equipment failure, lightning strikes, falling of branches or trees on the transmission lines, switching surges, insulation failures and other electrical or mechanical causes. All these are collectively called faults in power systems.
A fault usually results in high current flowing through the lines and if adequate protection is not taken, may result in damages in the power apparatus.
In this chapter we shall discuss the effects of symmetrical faults on the system. Here the term symmetrical fault refers to those conditions in which all three phases of a power system are grounded at the same point. For this reason the symmetrical faults sometimes are also called three-line-to-ground (3LG) faults.
Section I: Transients in R-L Circuits
Transients in R-L Circuits
In this section we shall consider transients in a circuit that contains a resistor and inductor (R - L circuit). Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 6.1 that contains an ideal source ( νs ), a resistor ( R ), an inductor ( L ) and a switch ( S ). It is assumed that the switch is open and is closed at an instant of time t = 0. This implies that the current i is zero before the closing of the switch. We shall first discuss the effect of closing the switch on the line current (i ) when the source is dc. Following this we shall study the effect when the source is ac and will show that the shape of the transient current changes with the changes in the phase of the source voltage waveform at the instant of closing the switch.
Fig 6.1 A Simple R - L Circuit
DC Source
Let us assume that the source voltage is dc and is given by νs = Vdc . Then the line current is given by the differential equation
(6.1) |
The solution of the above equation is written in the form
(6.2) |
Since the initial current i (0) = 0 and since νs ( τ ) = Vdc for 0 £ t < ¥ , we can rewrite the above equation as
(6.3) |
where T = L / R is the time constant of the circuit.
Let us assume R = 1Ω , L = 10 mH and Vdc= 100 V. Then the time response of the current is as shown in Fig. 6.2. It can be seen that the current reaches at steady state value of 100 A. The time constant of the circuit is 0.01 s. This is defined by the time in which the current i ( t ) reaches 63.2% of its final value and is obtained by substituting t = T. Note that the slope of the curve is given by
(6.4) |
AC Source
The current response remains unchanged when the voltage source is dc. This however is not the case when the circuit is excited by an ac source. Let us assume that the source voltage is now given by
(6.5) |
where α is the phase angle of the applied voltage. We shall show that the system response changes with a change in α .
The solution of (6.2) for the source voltage given in (6.5) is
(6.6) | |
(6.7) | |
(6.8) |
The system response for V m = 100 V and α = 45° is shown in Fig. 6.3. In this figure both iac and i dc are also shown. It can be seen that iac is the steady state waveform of the circuit, while idc dies out once the initial transient phase is over. Fig. 6.4 shows the response of the current for different values of a . Since the current is almost inductive, it can be seen that the transient is minimum when α = 90° , i.e., the circuit is switched on almost at the zero-crossing of the current. On the other hand, the transient is maximum when α = 0° , i.e., almost at the peak of the current.
Fig 6.3 Transient in current and its ac and dc components at the instant of switch closing
Fault in an AC Circuit
Now consider the single-phase circuit of Fig. 6.5 where Vs = 240 V (rms), the system frequency is 50 Hz, R = 0.864 Ω, L = 11 mH ( ωL = 3.46 Ω ) and the load is R-L comprising of an 8.64 W resistor and a 49.5 mH inductor ( ωL = 15.55Ω ). With the system operating in the steady state, the switch S is suddenly closed creating a short circuit. The current (i ) waveform is shown in Fig. 6.6. The current phasor before the short circuit occurs is
This means that the pre-fault current has a peak value of 15.97 A.
Fig. 6.5 A single-phase circuit in which a source supplies a load through a source impedance.
Fig 6.6 The current waveform of the circuit of Fig 6.5 before and after the closing of the switch S
Once the fault occurs and the system is allowed to reach the steady state, the current phasor is given by
Short Circuit in an Unloaded Synchronous Generator
Fig. 6.7 shows a typical response of the armature current when a three-phase symmetrical short circuit occurs at the terminals of an unloaded synchronous generator.
Fig. 6.7 Armature current of a synchronous generator as a short circuit occurs at its terminals.
It is assumed that there is no dc offset in the armature current. The magnitude of the current decreases exponentially from a high initial value. The instantaneous expression for the fault current is given by
(6.9) |
where Vt is the magnitude of the terminal voltage, α is its phase angle and
with . The time constants are
In the expression of (6.9) we have neglected the effect of the armature resistance hence α = π/2. Let us assume that the fault occurs at time t = 0. From (6.9) we get the rms value of the current as
(6.10) |
which is called the subtransient fault current. The duration of the subtransient current is dictated by the time constant Td² . As the time progresses and Td² < t < Td¢ , the first exponential term of (6.9) will start decaying and will eventually vanish. However since t is still nearly equal to zero, we have the following rms value of the current
(6.11) |
This is called the transient fault current. Now as the time progress further and the second exponential term also decays, we get the following rms value of the current for the sinusoidal steady state
(6.12) |
In addition to the ac, the fault currents will also contain the dc offset. Note that a symmetrical fault occurs when three different phases are in three different locations in the ac cycle. Therefore the dc offsets in the three phases are different. The maximum value of the dc offset is given by
(6.13) |
where TA is the armature time constant.
Section III: Symmetrical Fault in a Power System
Calculation of Fault Current Using Impedance Diagram
Let us first illustrate the calculation of the fault current using the impedance diagram with the help of the following examples.
Example 6.1 Consider the power system of Fig. 6.8 in which a synchronous generator supplies a synchronous motor. The motor is operating at rated voltage and rated MVA while drawing a load current at a power factor of 0.9 (lagging) when a three phase symmetrical short circuit occurs at its terminals. We shall calculate the fault current that flow from both the generator and the motor. We shall choose a base of 50 MVA, 20 kV in the circuit of the generator. Then the motor synchronous reactance is given by Also the base impedance in the circuit of the transmission line is
Fig. 6.8 A generator supplying a motor load though a transmission line. Therefore the impedance of the transmission line is The impedance diagram for the circuit is shown in Fig. 6.9 in which the switch S indicates the fault. Fig. 6.9 Impedance diagram of the circuit of Fig. 6.8. The motor draws a load current at rated voltage and rated MVA with 0.9 lagging power factor. Therefore Then the subtransient voltages of the motor and the generator are
Hence the subtransient fault currents fed by the motor and the generator are
and the total current flowing to the fault is
Note that the base current in the circuit of the motor is
Therefore while the load current was 1603.8 A, the fault current is 7124.7 A. |
Example 6.2
We shall now solve the above problem differently. The Thevenin impedance at the circuit between the terminals A and B of the circuit of Fig. 6.9 is the parallel combination of the impedances j 0.4 and j 0.5148. This is then given as
Since voltage at the motor terminals before the fault is 1.0 per unit, the fault current is
If we neglect the pre-fault current flowing through the circuit, then fault current fed by the motor and the generator can be determined using the current divider principle, i.e.,
If, on the other hand, the pre-fault current is not neglected, then the fault current supplied by the motor and the generator are
Calculation of Fault Current Using Zbus Matrix
Consider the circuit of Fig. 3.3 which is redrawn as shown in Fig. 6.10.
Fig. 6.10 Network depicting a symmetrical fault at bus-4.
We assume that a symmetrical fault has occurred in bus-4 such that it is now connected to the reference bus. Let us assume that the pre-fault voltage at this bus is Vf . To denote that bus-4 is short circuit, we add two voltage sources Vf and - Vf together in series between bus-4 and the reference bus. Also note that the subtransient fault current I²f flows from bus-4 to the reference bus. This implies that a current that is equal to - I²f is injected into bus-4. This current, which is due to the source - Vf will flow through the various branches of the network and will cause a change in the bus voltages. Assuming that the two sources and Vf are short circuited. Then - Vf is the only source left in the network that injects a current - I²f into bus-4. The voltages of the different nodes that are caused by the voltage - Vf and the current - I²f are then given by
(6.14) |
where the prefix Δ indicates the changes in the bus voltages due to the current - I²f .
From the fourth row of (6.14) we can write
(6.15) |
Combining (6.14) and (6.15) we get
(6.16) |
We further assume that the system is unloaded before the fault occurs and that the magnitude and phase angles of all the generator internal emfs are the same. Then there will be no current circulating anywhere in the network and the bus voltages of all the nodes before the fault will be same and equal to Vf . Then the new altered bus voltages due to the fault will be given from (6.16) by
(6.17) |
Example 6.3
Let us consider the same system as discussed in Example 3.1 except that we assume that the internal voltages of both the generators are equal to 1.0 <>j 0.25 = - j 4.0 per unit. We therefore get the pre-fault bus voltages using the Zbus matrix given in Example 3.1 as
Now the altered bus voltages for a symmetrical fault in bus-4 are given from (6.17) as
Also since the Thevenin impedance looking into the network at bus-4 is Z44 (see Section 3.4), the subtransient fault current flowing from bus-4 is
Section IV: Circuit Breaker Selection
A typical circuit breaker operating time is given in Fig. 6.11. Once the fault occurs, the protective devices get activated. A certain amount of time elapses before the protective relays determine that there is overcurrent in the circuit and initiate trip command. This time is called the detection time. The contacts of the circuit breakers are held together by spring mechanism and, with the trip command, the spring mechanism releases the contacts. When two current carrying contacts part, a voltage instantly appears at the contacts and a large voltage gradient appears in the medium between the two contacts. This voltage gradient ionizes the medium thereby maintaining the flow of current. This current generates extreme heat and light that is called electric arc. Different mechanisms are used for elongating the arc such that it can be cooled and extinguished. Therefore the circuit breaker has to withstand fault current from the instant of initiation of the fault to the time the arc is extinguished.
Fig. 6.11 Typical circuit breaker operating time.
Two factors are of utmost importance for the selection of circuit breakers. These are:
- The maximum instantaneous current that a breaker must withstand and
- The total current when the breaker contacts part.
In this chapter we have discussed the calculation of symmetrical subtransient fault current in a network. However the instantaneous current following a fault will also contain the dc component. In a high power circuit breaker selection, the subtransient current is multiplied by a factor of 1.6 to determine the rms value of the current the circuit breaker must withstand. This current is called the momentary current . The interrupting current of a circuit breaker is lower than the momentary current and will depend upon the speed of the circuit breaker. The interrupting current may be asymmetrical since some dc component may still continue to decay.
Breakers are usually classified by their nominal voltage, continuous current rating, rated maximum voltage, K -factor which is the voltage range factor, rated short circuit current at maximum voltage and operating time. The K -factor is the ratio of rated maximum voltage to the lower limit of the range of the operating voltage. The maximum symmetrical interrupting current of a circuit breaker is given by K times the rated short circuit current.
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